Teaching Load

Under the 4-4 calendar and the course-credit system, the standard teaching load for full-time faculty is not more than six courses per academic year. Typically, faculty teach three courses in fall and spring term, although some will teach five in the academic year, and one in a four-week summer session. For faculty in the sciences who teach two or more laboratories, no more than five courses are assigned. Load adjustments may be made by the Academic Vice President and Dean of the Faculty for administrative duties, coaching or directing, laboratory courses, or other special assignments. Arrangements for load reductions are made by the Academic Vice President and Dean of the Faculty in consultation with the individual and his or her Division Chair.

Program Chairs and Division Chairs are responsible for teaching assignments and for reviewing each program member’s and division member’s overall workload for equity. The Dean of Curriculum and Student Learning, in consultation with Division Chairs and Program Chairs, and the Academic Vice President and Dean of the Faculty, selects faculty to teach general education core courses (GSTR courses) and is responsible for making those assignments. In determining teaching assignments, consideration is given to course credit, special factors affecting preparation and class time including laboratory and clinical components, the number of students served, the nature of the instruction required, and other non-teaching responsibilities of the faculty member. Teaching loads are regularly reviewed by the Academic Vice President and Dean of the Faculty to insure equity.