Reviews of Full or Part-time Faculty with Continuing Non-Tenure Track Appointments

Full or part-time faculty who receive continuing non-tenure track appointments are to be reviewed on a regular schedule. The schedule for such reviews will be arranged according to the following guide:

  • For faculty teaching a full load (six courses per academic year), a review will be held once every three years; and
  • For faculty teaching less than a full load (one to five courses per academic year), a review will be held once every four years.

This review is intended to provide information useful for the individual’s professional growth as well as to Division Chairs, the Academic Vice President and Dean of the Faculty, and the Dean of Curriculum and Student Learning when possible reappointment is considered. A summary of each review will be available to appropriate Division Chairs, Program Chairs, the Dean of Curriculum and Student Learning, and the Academic Vice President and Dean of the Faculty.

These reviews will be conducted by the appropriate Division Chair (or Dean of Curriculum and Student Learning for those without divisional appointments). The review procedures are shaped by these requirements: (1) the review employs only the first standard used for the Probationary Review process in the case of less than full-load appointments; (2) the review employs only the first and second standards in the case of full-load, continuing non-tenure track appointments; (3) the review does not require participation from the Faculty Status Council, the Academic Vice President and Dean of the Faculty, or the Board of Trustees; (4) the Division Chair’s letter must contain an evaluation based on standard one (and two in the case of full-load appointments) used in probationary reviews, as well as a recommendation to reappoint or not, should such an opportunity arise; and (5) the Division Chair discusses with the individual the conclusions reached in the review. The key points of the discussion are then confirmed by letter to the candidate with a copy submitted to the Academic Vice President and Dean of the Faculty for inclusion in the reviewed individual’s personnel file.

Each Division Chair, and the Dean of Curriculum and Student Learning, should annually review a list of faculty for whom this policy is designed, and schedule reviews as required. The annual list of faculty to be reviewed should be sent to the Academic Vice President and Dean of the Faculty for information in the Fall Term of every academic year.