Promotion Procedures

The above specifications for the various ranks are considered minimums, and promotion seldom follows as soon as they are met. Elevation in rank is never routine or automatic, but proceeds from a careful assessment of the quality of one’s overall contribution to the life of the College. The criteria for promotion are the same as those specified for tenure (see Tenure Review Standards).

Consideration for promotion normally begins with a recommendation and/or evaluative letter written by the Division Chair to the Academic Vice President and Dean of the Faculty. Where this is not appropriate, for example when a Division Chair is a candidate for promotion, the Academic Vice President and Dean of the Faculty or appropriate administrator initiates the process. To provide adequate time for proper consideration, the deadline for such recommendations is March 1, for consideration the following academic year.

When a faculty member becomes a candidate for promotion, the candidate is so informed by the Academic Vice President and Dean of the Faculty and invited to submit current materials to become part of a file that will guide the Faculty Status Council in its deliberations. This file consists of the letter recommending promotion; updated materials submitted by the candidate; summary analyses from the Instructor Evaluation Questionnaires (see Appendix C) ; a current evaluation of the candidate’s effectiveness as an advisor; any materials submitted by others for previous probationary, tenure or promotion reviews; and any other information deemed pertinent by the Academic Vice President and Dean of the Faculty. The file is made available to the candidate on request.

The Academic Vice President and Dean of the Faculty shall present the question to the Faculty Status Council, and the Council considers the matter in private session. At the conclusion of the consideration, each member of the Council (including the Academic Vice President and Dean of the Faculty) states his or her evaluation of the promotion review file materials relative to the promotion criteria, and concludes with a vote to recommend or not recommend promotion. The voting body includes the Academic Vice President and Dean of the Faculty, for a total voting group of eight persons. A recommendation for promotion requires an affirmative vote from at least six of the voting group of eight. The recommendation of the Council shall be forwarded to the President and the candidate by the Chair of the Council. The recommendation report shall indicate that promotion is or is not recommended, and include vote count, but not indicate how individual Council members voted. In addition, the entire Council provides to the President a formal, oral report of its reasoning about a case, with no further discussion to occur except questions of clarification about the oral report itself.

In the event that the candidate disagrees with a negative recommendation of the Faculty Status Council, the candidate may proceed with a request for reconsideration to the Faculty Status Council or an appeal to the Faculty Appeals Committee based upon the Reconsideration Procedures or the Appeal Procedures contained in the Faculty Manual.

The President makes decisions on promotions to the rank of assistant professor. If the proposed promotion is to one of the two higher ranks, the Board of Trustees makes the decision, acting on the recommendation of the President. All promotions become effective with the beginning of the next contract year.

For librarians, the criteria and supporting materials for promotion differ somewhat from those for faculty whose duties are primarily instructional. The differences are described in Criteria and Procedures for Evaluation and Promotion of Librarians.