Program Chair

Each major and minor program of the College is under the oversight of a Program Chair, who reports to the appropriate Division Chair. The Program Chair is specifically responsible for assuring the effective functioning of one or more major and/or minor programs.

Program Chairs have expertise in the program area and are preferably tenured or in contracts with long-term continuing service to the College. Those teaching in a program will recommend a Program Chair according to the needs and requirements of a program, and the Academic Vice President and Dean of the Faculty will make the appointment. The term of office should, in general, be at least three years, with a six-year maximum. Rotation is highly desirable, but the appointment may be renewed, following a review of performance and programmatic needs. Course releases for administrative work in areas that have heavy administrative load will be determined by the Academic Vice President and Dean of the Faculty. In addition, titles for these positions may vary, as appropriate, to reflect special administrative work or other responsibilities.

Program Chairs are specifically responsible for:

  • Oversight of the quality and coherence of the major and/or minor program or programs, including ongoing assessment, as well as programmatic curriculum development and review, in collaboration with other program faculty, divisional colleagues, and the Division Chair.
  • Developing teaching schedules within the program, coordinating with other programs and the Division Chair, as appropriate.
  • Regular review of IEQs and other evidence of quality teaching for those faculty contributing to the program, and service on search committees formed to hire instructors within the program.
  • Administering program budget in consultation and collaboration with the Division Chair, as appropriate.
  • Serving as the program expert with administrative offices on campus for programmatic functions, such as the annual review of the major and minor description in the Berea College Catalog, course substitutions, and transfer credit.
  • Serving as a contact person for students for such tasks as transfer credit, course substitutions, and declarations of major and minor.