3-2 Engineering Dual-Degree

Berea College offers a dual-degree program in engineering in cooperation with both the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, and the College of Engineering at the University of Kentucky. This dual-degree program of study leads to a B.A. degree from Berea College (usually in the Applied Science and Mathematics major) and a B.S. degree in engineering from either Washington University or the University of Kentucky. The program provides students with a strong background in the liberal arts and the field of engineering. Programs at Washington University that meet the degree portion of the requirements for registration as a professional engineer include biomedical engineering; computer engineering; electrical and systems engineering; energy, environmental, and chemical engineering; mechanical engineering; and materials science. The engineering programs available in cooperation with the University of Kentucky are biosystems engineering; chemical engineering; civil engineering; computer engineering; electrical engineering; materials engineering; mechanical engineering; and mining engineering. For more information on the Applied Science and Mathematics major, which is intended to help prepare 3-2 Engineering students for the second part of this dual degree, please refer to that program in the Academic Programs and Courses section of this Catalog & Student HandbookDr. Tracy Hodge serves as the pre-engineering coordinator at Berea.

The entire dual-degree program normally is completed in five or six years, the initial three or four of which are at Berea College and the subsequent two at Washington University or the University of Kentucky. Although Berea College does not have a special agreement with any other engineering schools at this time, Berea students have successfully entered 3-2 engineering programs with other universities upon completion of the dual-degree requirements.

Students may request permission to participate in Commencement exercises with their classmates even though they elect to have their Berea College degree conferred at a later date.