Active Learning Experience

The Active Learning Experience (ALE) is an opportunity for students to explore interconnections among various venues for learning—courses, labor, service, research, internships, etc. All ALEs must includea) learning through sustained, continual engagement in, reflection on, and assessment of experiences; b) the use of knowledge, imagination, and judgment to address questions in novel contexts; and c) the exploration of connections between theory and practice, and between learning in courses and from experiences outside the classroom. When the experience has a strong Service-Learning component, it will be designated as ALE-SL. Students must complete one approved ALE or ALE-SL. Most are approved on a term-by-term basis and listed in the front section of the Schedule of Classes (published during registration periods in Fall and Spring).

ALE Requirements

The following experiences have been approved to meet the ALE requirement whenever they are offered:

ANR 494Labor/Field Learning Exper

Non-Credit Course

APS 210/HLT 210Health in Appalachia (HLT)

1 Course Credit

CFS 125
Introduction to Internet Programming

CFS 441Family Resource Management

1 Course Credit

EDS 471Midl Grades Student Tchg Sem

1 Course Credit

EDS 472Midl Grades Student Teaching

3 Course Credits

EDS 487Elementary Student Teaching

3 Course Credits

HLT 210/APS 210Health in Appalachia (APS)

1 Course Credit

PEH 330Extended Sch Exper-PED/HLT

1 Course Credit

All Internships (courses numbered 395/495)

All Faculty-Led undergraduate research experiences (registered as UGR 010 if funded by the

Undergraduate Research and Creative Projects Program at Berea, or UGR 020, if approved by the Program Coordinator and funded by sources other than URCPP, including research conducted off campus)