Theatre B.A.

Degree Requirements

A Bachelor of Arts in Theatre is achieved by completion of the following requirements, in addition to the General Education and electives required for a degree:

Required Core Courses

THR 105Script Analysis

1 Course Credit

THR 115Principles of Acting

1 Course Credit

THR 124Visual Concepts for the Stage

1 Course Credit

THR 213First Theatre in Human Culture

1 Course Credit

Required Capstone Course

THR 481Senior Theatre Project

1 Course Credit

Required Seminar Courses

Three (3) seminars:

THR 220Seminar in Design & Production

1 Course Credit

THR 308Seminar in Theatre History

1 Course Credit

THR 321Seminar in Theatre Management

1 Course Credit

Required THR Distribution Courses

Two (2) additional THR course credits


Exploring the Major — Students interested in this major should enroll in THR 105 and/or pursue practical experience in one of the Theatre Laboratory’s productions as early as possible.

Admission to the Major — Students applying to the major must complete THR 105 with a grade of C or higher and undergo the Sophomore Review prior to their declaration of the major.

Course Sequencing Considerations (in order to complete degree requirements within eight terms) — Satisfactorily complete THR 105 prior to entering the first term of sophomore year; THR 481 to be taken during the first term of senior year.

Proficiency Requirements for Retention in and Completion of the Major — Students must earn a grade of C or higher in THR 105. Once accepted into the major, students must maintain a minimum overall GPA of 2.0 and a minimum GPA of 2.5 in the major in order to be eligible to participate in Theatre Laboratory productions as actors or members of the production team (directors, designers, dramaturges, stage managers). Students who are participating in order to fulfill course laboratory requirements or labor assignments are exempt from this standard, and other opportunities will be available to insure that students whose academic standings are below the minimum may still work in theatre productions in a limited way. Majors are strongly encouraged to audition for all Theatre Laboratory productions and/or apply for production assignments, in that this demonstrates a commitment to the work of the major and curriculum. Majors will be required to serve at least once in each of the following areas of a major production:

  1. on a scenic or lighting crew,
  2. on a costume or make-up crew, and
  3. in stage management, house management, or dramaturgy.

Other Considerations or Recommendations — Majors must satisfy program standards for effective oral and written communication.