English B.A. with a Concentration in Literature

Degree Requirements

A major in English with a Concentration in Literature is achieved by completion of the following requirements, in addition to the General Education and electives required for a degree:

Required Core Courses

ENG 110Intro to Literature in English

1 Course Credit

ENG 124Intro to Creative Writing

1 Course Credit

Required Capstone Course

ENG 485Seminar in English

1 Course Credit

Required Distribution Courses

Seven (7) additional course credits, as follows:

Five (5) course credits, at least two of which must be at the 300 level, chosen from at least three Literature categories—Authors, Cultures, Questions, Genre, and Times;

One (1) course credit from the Language category or a foreign language through the 103 level; and

One (1) additional ENG course credit.


Required Major Portfolio The Major Portfolio of course work and study is keyed to the English Major Reading List, and reflects the student’s progress through the course categories (Literature, Language, and Writing), as well as with written and oral communication. The Major Portfolio should include assigned papers, tests, quizzes, and journals of reading, along with any independent study projects or other writings pertaining to the Major Reading List work. This portfolio should be maintained throughout the major and evaluated regularly by the student’s Academic Advisor and/or other Program faculty prior to the final regular term of the senior year. A final review occurs in the last term of the senior year when the entire project should be completed.

Exploring the Major— Students interested in this major are encouraged to take ENG 110 or ENG 124 during their first year.

Admission to the Major— For admission to the English major, applicants must at least be in the term in which they will complete 15 course credits and have: 1) satisfactorily completed ENG 110 and/or ENG 124; 2) an earned minimum GPA of 2.0; 3) an earned combined minimum GPA of 2.3 in ENG courses, GSTR 110 (unless waived), and GSTR 210; and 4) satisfactorily completed an interview for admission to the major.

Course Sequencing Considerations (in order to complete degree requirements within eight terms)— ENG 110 and/or ENG 124 should be taken no later than the end of the sophomore year. ENG 485 must be taken during the senior year.

Proficiency Requirements for Retention in and Completion of the Major— Students majoring in English with a concentration in literature are strongly encouraged, in consultation with their advisors, to select their five courses in the literature categories from a variety of literary periods in order to be broadly educated in the discipline. Students should work on the Major Portfolio throughout the major. The Portfolio should be evaluated regularly by the student’s Academic Advisor and/or other Program faculty, with approximately two-thirds of the required number of categories on the checklist being completed prior to the student’s admission to ENG 485.