EDS 355 Extended Experience in Alternative Settings

In consultation with the instructor, students will arrange a field experience with a school or service agency that places them in a setting with people of racial, cultural, ethnic, or religious backgrounds different from their own. All field experiences locations must be located within the United States and may be a school or non-school setting. Students will undertake field experiences in settings that will challenge them sufficiently to see life through the eyes of those with whom they will work. Students will examine and challenge their beliefs and attitudes about working with others different from themselves and will be encouraged to adopt an affirming attitude and disposition. Students are expected to increase their self-awareness of how interpersonal relationships and community involvement may have a positive impact on teaching and learning for those students they will teach. Students will be expected to build positive relationships with others, to gain an understanding of barriers and obstacles that some students may face, and to begin to consider how they may become change agents assisting schools in being more equitable over time.


1 Course Credit