Art: Studio B.A.

Degree Requirements

A major in Art: Studio is achieved by completion of the following requirements, in addition to the General Education and electives required for a degree:

Required Foundation/Core Courses

ART 110Design

1 Course Credit

ART 115Drawing Fundamentals

1 Course Credit

ARH 121Survey of Western Art I

1 Course Credit

ARH 124Survey of Western Art II

1 Course Credit

see Admission to the Major requirements below

Required Capstone Course

ART 493Senior Seminar

Non-Credit Course

ART 493 (noncredit course) With a required oral presentation and senior exhibition

Required Distribution Courses

ART 206Drawing II

1 Course Credit

ARH 25520th & 21st Century Art

1 Course Credit

Three (3) studio courses in different studio areas including both 2-D and 3-D experiences, selected from:

ART 111Printmaking I

1 Course Credit

ART 116Painting I

1 Course Credit

ART 123Ceramics I

1 Course Credit

ART 125Fibers I

1 Course Credit

ART 130Sculpture I

1 Course Credit

One (1) studio medium taken to the fourth level, selected from:

ART 211Printmaking II

1 Course Credit

ART 311Printmaking III

1 Course Credit

ART 411Printmaking IV

1 Course Credit

ART 216Painting II

1 Course Credit

ART 316Painting III

1 Course Credit

ART 416Painting IV

1 Course Credit

ART 223Ceramics II

1 Course Credit

ART 323Ceramics III

1 Course Credit

ART 423Ceramics IV

1 Course Credit

ART 225Fibers II

1 Course Credit

ART 325Fibers III

1 Course Credit

ART 425Fibers IV

1 Course Credit

ART 230Sculpture II

1 Course Credit

ART 330Sculpture III

1 Course Credit

ART 430Sculpture IV

1 Course Credit


Exploring the Major— Students considering this concentration must enroll in the 100-level foundation/core and 100-level studio courses during their first three terms at Berea.

Admission to the Major— Completion of ART 110 and ART 115, and ARH 121 or ARH 124, with a grade of C or higher in each.

Course Sequencing Considerations (in order to complete degree requirements within eight terms)— Students interested in this major should take General Education requirements at the same time as Art courses. Studio courses at the 100 level are offered every Fall and Spring term. ARH 121 is offered in the Fall Term and ARH 124 is offered in the Spring Term. Studio classes are taken in sequence and no 200-level studio class may be taken without the prerequisite and the appropriate 100-level media and foundation/core course. Upper-level (200 and higher) ARH courses should not be taken until the prerequisite courses and the appropriate 100-level ARH course have been completed. ARH 255 should be completed by the second term of the junior year. Students in this concentration must satisfactorily complete ART 493 during the last regular term of residence.

Proficiency Requirements for Retention in and Completion of the Major— In addition to all foundation/core courses, and the above-stated minimum grade of C in ART 110 and ART 115 as well as ARH 121 or ARH 124, majors must successfully complete the 400 level studio media focus and ART 493 requirements and participate in a group senior exhibition or a faculty-approved one-person exhibition.

Other Considerations and Recommendations— No ART course offered in the former Short Terms may be applied to the major requirements.